
Coates and Lesmian | Coates i Leśmian - The mist of "un-signified" | Mgła "bezznaczenia" - Haiku / Haikuish or quasi-haiku / haikuish quotes (7) | Haikowe lub prawie haikowe cytaty (7)

[...] wytyczyć granicę, od której wieloznaczność wiersza przeobraża się w mgłę "bezznaczenia", a intencja poety wymyka się spod jego kontroli.

(Paul Coates , Identyczność i nieidentyczność w twórczości Bolesława Leśmiana. Studium o tautologii paradoksie., PIW, Warszawa 1986, s.7.)
[...] to trace the borderline, from which the ambiguity of poem transforms into the mist of "un-signified", and the poet's intention slips out from under control.

(Paul Coates , Identyczność i nieidentyczność w twórczości Bolesława Leśmiana. Studium o tautologii paradoksie., PIW, Warszawa 1986, s.7.)
(transl. by myself)
(Paul Coates, Identity and non-identity in the poetry of Boleslaw Lesmian. Study on tautology, paradox, and the mirror., PIW, Warszawa 1986, p. 7.)

DailyHaiku - Submissions for Cycle 12‏

DailyHaiku is now accepting submissions for Cycle 12. Submissions will remain open until 11:59pm on Sept. 30th, 2011. We look forward to reading your submissions!

Patrick M. Pilarski and Nicole Pakan
Editors --- DailyHaiku

DailyHaiku features the work of six authors presented over a six month time frame. Each week, the work of a different author from the current contributing team is featured on this site.

For specific submission guidelines please visit: guidelines


Results of The 9th International Haiku Contest in Italian language 2011 - Cascina Macondo

Znane są już wyniki 9. Międzynarodowego Konkursu Haiku w języku włoskim.

Dyplom i publikacja w pokonkursowej antologii to nagroda za IV miejsce, którą zdobyła Dorota Pyra ex aequo wraz z sześcioma innymi uczestnikami konkursu.

The results of The 9th International Haiku Contest in Italian language are  already known.

The award for IV place is a certificat and publication in a post-contest anthology, which was gained by Dorota Pyra, ex aequo with six other participants.

stella cadente –
prima goccia di latte
dal mio seno

(trans. Dorota Pyra)

spadająca gwiazda –
pierwsza kropla mleka
z mojej piersi

shooting star
the first drop of milk
from my breast

(trans. Antonella Filippi & myself - both autonomous translations) 

QUARTI CLASSIFICATI PARI MERITO - PREMIO - antologia QUESTO FILO DI VOCE con i 114 haiku selezionati al concorso - attestato di merito


O tłumaczeniu haiku | on translation of haiku (1)

Każdy tłumacz japońskiego haiku pożądając idealnego przekładu, odziany w platoniczne szaty, podąża do jaskini, w której w końcu odnajduje jedynie cienie.

(Lech Sz.)

Every translator of Japanese language-haiku, desiring the ideal body of its piece of translation, dressed in a Platonic robe, proceeds into a cave and finally finding only the shadows in it.

(translation by myself)

cutting a rose | ścinając różę

ścinając różę...
w jej filiżance

cutting a rose...
the clouds
in her tea cup

2011 International Tokutomi Haiku Contest - results

2011 International Tokutomi Haiku Contest - results


I'm very pleased to announce the following recent honors:

2011 International Tokutomi Haiku Contest --judges: Toru Kiuchi, Japan; Kris Moon, Japan. This contest is for English language haiku written in three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. Each poem is required to contain one season word/phrase from an assigned list. Sponsored by the Yuki Teikei Haiku Society [http://youngleaves.org].
First Prize:

the familiar cough
of the neighbor's old Chevy
winter solitude

Third Prize :

finding her letter
in his old leather jacket
winter solitude

2nd Honorable Mention (2):

snuffing out candles
just for the joy of their scent
winter solitude

new year's confetti
..... the accordion player
.......... leans back on his heels
[source: kiku makura - Billie Dee's haiku blog]

In other place I've found also this:

The conference was an absolute blast. Saturday night we got the results of the Tokutomi Haiku Contest that the society held this spring, which was judged by two haiku masters in Japan. People from all over the world entered the contest, and my haiku won third prize in! Here is it is:

persimmon fabric
folded in tissue paper
Mother's kimono
[source: Back From the Conference! September 12, 2011 http://sophisty.polyvore.com/]

Japanese hieroglyph | japoński hieroglif - Haiku / Haikuish or quasi-haiku / haikuish quotes (6) | Haikowe lub prawie haikowe cytaty (6)

Japońskie haiku to wciąż-niedokończony-hieroglif.

The Japanese haiku is still-unfinished-herioglyph.

zaćmienie księżyca | eclipse of the moon

zaćmienie księżyca
w zakurzonym lustrze
wciąż ja?

eclipse of the moon
in the dusty mirror
still me?

To haiku mogłoby posłużyć jako komentarz do pewnego obrazu Rene Magritte'a:

Such haiku could serve as a comment on this below painting by Rene Magritte:


dotyk ciszy | touch of silence

dotyk ciszy
między niebami
skok żaby

touch of silence
between the skies
the jump of a frog

plac zabaw | playground

plac zabaw w słońcu--
jej córeczka częstuje mnie

sunny playground--
her daughter plying me
with sand

or more ambiguously:

sunny playground--
her daughter treats me
with sand

sun going down | słońce zachodzi

sun going down-
a lonely boy asking
if I got a son

słońce zachodzi-
samotny chłopczyk pyta
czy mam syna


Ezra Pound - Haikuish or quasi-haiku / haikuish quotes (5) | Haikowe lub prawie haikowe cytaty (5)

Senseless haiku-like sentence?
The 'one image poem' is a form of super-position, that is to say it is one idea set on top of another. I found it useful in getting out of the impasse in which I had been left by my metro emotion. I wrote a thirty-line poem, and destroyed it because it was what we call work 'of second intensity'. Six months later I made a poem half that lenght; a year later I made the following haiku-like sentence.
The apparition of these faces in the crowd:
Petals on a wet, black bough.
I dare say it is meaningless unless one has drifted into a certain vein of thought. In the poem of this sort one is trying to record the precise instant when a thing outward and objective transforms itself, or darts into a thing inward and subjective.
The article  Vorticism was first published in Fortnightly Review, Vol. XCVI, Sept. 1, 1914, new series No. DLXXIII, pp. 461-471. Reprint in: Ezra Pound: a critical anthology. Edited by J.P. Sullivan, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1970, pp. 53-54. 

'Wiersz jednoobrazowy' jest formą nawarstwień, innymi słowy - jedno pojęcie nakłada się na drugie. Odnalazłem w tym możliwość wyjścia z impasu, do którego doprowadziły mnie emocje związane ze stacją metra. Napisałem trzydziestowersowy wiersz i zniszczyłem go, był bowiem tym, co nazywamy dziełem 'rozproszonym'. Sześć miesięcy później napisałem wiersz dwa razy krótszy, rok później stworzyłem taki oto tekst w stylu haiku.
Zjawienie się tych twarzy w tłumie:
Płatki na wilgotnej, czarnej gałęzi. 

Śmiem twierdzić, że jest on bezsensowny, póki nie uniesie nas specyficzny sposób myślenia. W wierszu tego rodzaju poeta stara się zapisać precyzyjny moment, w którym zewnętrzny i obiektywny przedmiot ulega transformacji lub przekształca się momentalnie w coś wewnętrznego i subiektywnego.
(transl. by myself)
Artykuł Ezry Pounda Wortycyzm ukazał się po raz pierwszy w Fortnightly Review, vol. XCVI, 1 września 1914, nr 573, ss. 461-471. Tłumaczenie na podstawie Ezra Pound: a critical anthology. Edited by J.P. Sullivan, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1970, ss. 53-54.


A new haiku journal - A Hundred Gourds

Its name origines from Chiyo-ni's haiku:
hyakunari ya tsuru hitosuji no kokoro yori
a hundred gourds
from the heart
of one vine
(translation by Patricia Donegan and Yoshie Ishibashi)

'A Hundred Gourds' is a new journal featuring haiku, haibun, haiga, tanka, resources (articles, commentaries, reviews and interviews) and special artwork.
'A Hundred Gourds' is managed by its editorial team: Lorin Ford, Melinda Hipple, John MacManus, Gene Murtha and Ray Rasmussen. Ron Moss will continue to support us in his valuable role of contributing and consulting artist.

We are dedicated to producing a high quality journal, and look forward to your submissions.

Books for review (hard copy only) may be sent to John McManus or the haiku, tanka, haiga or haibun editor respectively.
Submissions for the first issue of 'A Hundred Gourds' close on September 15th, 2011

The editorial team of 'A Hundred Gourds' welcomes your submissions to our first issue, which will be published online in December, 2011.
Lorin Ford (haiku editor)
for the Editorial Team
A Hundred Gourd

YEARS: 2011

Lorin Ford, Melinda Hipple, John MacManus, Gene Murtha and Ray Rasmussen, Ron Moss - contributing and consulting artist
 Submissions of up to 10 original and unpublished haiku and tanka and up to 3 haibun should be placed within the body of the email and sent to the appropriate editor. No attached submissions will be opened for these sections. Submissions of up to 10 haiga may be sent as attachments.
Please include your name and country of residence in all submissions.
*Note: poems that have appeared on Facebook, blogs or any other online source that may be accessed by an internet search engine are considered published and not eligible for submission.
Submissions for the first issue of 'A Hundred Gourds' close on September 15th, 2011.
Submissions and enquires may be addressed to :
Lorin Ford, Haiku Editor: haikugourds@gmail.com
Melinda Hipple, Haiga Editor: haigagourds@gmail.com
John McManus, Resources Editor: jmac.ahgjournal@gmail.com
Gene Murtha, Tanka Editor: tankagourds@gmail.com
Ray Rasmussen, Haibun Editor: haibungourds@gmail.com, ray@raysweb.net