Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival 2012 ogłosił na swojej stronce wyniki konkursu haiku.
The Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival’s annual haiku invitational results are just available.
2012 Haiku Invitational Winners
Pośród nagrodzonych jedno haiku z Polski (Sakura Award), wśród wyróżnionych - dwa.
first year of her death
bees pollinate the blossoms
on a broken branch
Ernest Wit, Warsaw, Portland
Po lekturze poniższych ogarnęła mnie pokusa na lody. Oczywiście wiśniowe!
Honourable Mentions
many temptations,
over a cherry blossom
a young bee buzzing
Adam Chmielnicki
Sosnowiec, Poland
new ice cream shop
cherry petals enter
with every customer
Maria Kowal-Tomczak
Opole, Poland
many temptations,
over a cherry blossom
a young bee buzzing
Adam Chmielnicki
Sosnowiec, Poland
new ice cream shop
cherry petals enter
with every customer
Maria Kowal-Tomczak
Opole, Poland